Topic : 2023 fleets now live

The 2023 fleets are now live on the MROA website!
These are your fleets for all MROA organised events in 2023. Helms are placed in a fleet for the year with the criteria also available on the website, and it will be reviewed over the winter before the next season based on the previous five seasons results.
This is here for people to enjoy their sailing and encourage close competition throughout the fleet. If your crew has a significant effect on your result, please contact a member of the committee.
As well as being promoted, you can also be demoted if you wish. However, platinum sailors can only be demoted as low as gold, similarly gold to silver and no-one gets demoted to bronze.
If you are not on the list but you have paid your membership for this year, then please contact Martin Smith (Membership Secretary). If you would like to participate in the fleet series and are not a member of the association, please consider joining. Fleet prizes are awarded at all individual Silver Tillers (to those who are members), Inlands, Nationals and the overall Silver Tiller.

Posted: 09/03/2023 20:59:40
By: Anna Aylward


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