The Thames Series is open to Merlin Rockets of all ages and designs.
All the events in the Thames Series will be held on the River Thames and hosted by Thames sailing clubs. This series will consist of 9 races with racing being a one-day event and within a one-day return journey for most competitors.
All the boats are competing for the Thames Series Trophy based on first over the line results. Results will be based on the RRS (current year) low points scoring system. Points and awards will be given to the helm and a helm may use only one boat per event but more than one boat during the series. A helm will not change the specification of the boat during an event. Four results will be needed to qualify (discards apply thereafter) and a DNS score will be 50 points. A tie-break during an event will be based on the last race the boats sailed against each other. Similarly for the series, although discards will count if needed. All boats will compete on equal terms and there will not be a handicap system.