Dear MROA Membership,
Salcombe Yacht Club have confirmed the postponement of the 2020 Merlin Rocket week to 2021 due to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
As a consequence, the 2020 Merlin Rocket AGM which was due to take place at Salcombe Yacht Club on Saturday 11th July 2020 has been cancelled. In accordance with the Owners' Association Rules (6. part 1b), an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) will be called by the Honorary Secretary to be held in 2020.
The committee are meeting virtually this week and will discuss among other matters the;
- RYA Club Guidance on restarting boating activity and managing Covid-19 the impact of this on MROA activities and any obligations imposed on the MROA by it
- 2020 National & Inland Championships
- 2020 Silver Tiller Competition (To include held & remaining scheduled Silver Tiller events)
- Proposals for an EGM (Resolutions submitted to the AGM will be retained for the EGM).
We ask for your continued patience & support while this process takes place and will communicate the outcomes to the Membership as soon as is practicable after the committee meeting.
Best wishes to you all,
Martin Smith Chris Kilsby
Chair MROA Hon Secretary MROA