Oh please save me from the stench of 4 pairs of dinghy boots !
Is there a safe product out there that is both boot and child friendly.
I have been told that bleach works but destroys the boots too quickly. The kids are now teenagers so their feet are not growing quickly enough to just throw the boots out.
Any Ideas ?
Posted: 06/06/2009 11:42:11 By: Chewie |
Miltons sterilising solution?
Posted: 06/06/2009 12:05:24 By: :) |
I'll give it a try.
Posted: 06/06/2009 12:30:36 By: Chewie |
I just put mine in the washing machine with rest of kit at 30 degrees. Seems to do the trick and doesnt do to much damage.
Posted: 06/06/2009 12:37:38 By: mark |
Certainly neoprene boots stink in no time at all so - yes I just put mine in the machine every time I come back from sailing with a bit of liquid detergent at the low temp setting sometimes with a bit of conditioner - and I spin them!! They don't seem to have come to any harm. Another tip - they'll dry much faster if you fold down the upper bits to lower the ankle area and let the air circulate!!
Posted: 06/06/2009 13:19:44 By: Garry R |
Wear a thin pair of socks inside them. Counter-intuitive, I know, but socks absorb the sweat which is what causes the pong. Finding this out has saved me buying a new pair every year. Or better still, use seperate neoprene socks which you can turn inside-out and wash/dry properly.
Posted: 06/06/2009 13:30:25 By: A Well-wisher! |
I used to keep a black dustbin filled with water and a bottle of dettol and throw everything in overnight! Now go for the washing machine option.
Posted: 06/06/2009 16:56:08 By: Mrs Tosh |
freeze them it will kill all the bugs that make the smell
Posted: 06/06/2009 21:16:22 By: observer |
Step 1: Open bathroom cupboard Step 2: Pick random bottle of scented gloop that no-one used after they got it at Christmas Step 3: Pour into boots
Posted: 06/06/2009 22:52:44 By: Mags |
Just get used to it! Use Mycil Spray to ward off fungus.
Posted: 07/06/2009 10:08:52 By: . |
Next time invest in the Aigle ones - they don't seem to be as stinky, if at all in fact.
Posted: 07/06/2009 12:42:52 By: Kelly |
this is a very very useful thread i put newspaper in them to help dry them out stench seriously reduced
Posted: 07/06/2009 20:52:43 By: :) |
My manager swears by Bi-carbonate of soda; a light sprinkle and a good rinse...
I was beaten repeatedly until I agreed never to buy neoprene sailing boots again - they are the only footwear item I have ever owned that made my feet stink! Son insists on them, though so we haven't escaped from the toxic zone yet..
Posted: 08/06/2009 08:33:46 By: Measurement Man |
Note that the weather is good enough to sail barefoot now. I hate washing smelly boots so much, that I opt to go barefoot whenever possible.
Asses your boat carefully for razor sharp self-bailers etc, so you dont risk cutting your toes. Depends on the weather too I guess, how much you might be leaping around.
Posted: 08/06/2009 11:23:50 By: Mags |
The only trouble with either bare feet or sandels is that somehow the multitude of control lines seem to end up between your toes which is seriuos;y slow when you want to move!
Posted: 08/06/2009 12:04:02 By: RichardT |
Many years ago when I sailed at Aldenham there was a chap called Dudley Farrow who always sailed with bare feet summer or winter. I always soak my neoprene boots in a Milton solution, it does the trick esp. after a weeks sailing.
Posted: 08/06/2009 15:04:43 By: Max Headroom |
VWP or any other steriliser sold for winemaking and brewing also does the job.
Posted: 08/06/2009 18:40:31 By: PJ |
There was a young man whose sister sails in the class. He got toxic shock from his boots. The doctor recommended Detol, but he got it a second time, so perhaps it wasn’t the answer. It does work for the smell though, but be sure to rinse well unless you want to smell like a chemist shop.
Posted: 09/06/2009 10:01:31 By: Fetid |
I thought the last post was going to turn into a Limerick - what rhymes with Class?
Scope for some creative thought here?
Posted: 09/06/2009 17:53:48 By: poets corner |
If you thinking about odour there is one obvious one.
Posted: 09/06/2009 19:42:57 By: . |
There was a young fellow called Coutts With a niff from his wet daisy roots He was soon on his mettle With solutions of Dettol Obtained from his neighbourhood Boots
Posted: 09/06/2009 23:35:52 By: Garry R |