Just fitted some 3mm Vectran for the spinnaker downhaul(s). The two downhaul lines are tied off to a 5mm rope which I've taken aft to the cockpit (dont fancy pulling on 3mm line!).
I was thinking it would run easily through the spinnaker poles and it certainly does, but now I'm wondering whether its not strong enough for more windy conditions.
What do you think? Would 4mm be better?
Many Thanks !
Posted: 26/05/2009 00:04:11 By: JohnB (3404) |
I suspect that by the time you have enough tension on the vectran pole downhaul to break it, the mast will have already resigned in protest!
Posted: 26/05/2009 09:23:23 By: Measurement Man |
If I read things correctly, you do not have any purchases on the downhaul. This must make it d*** hard to pull right in in any kind of blow.
Most boats now have a purchase below the foredeck and often another pulley above the deck to which the downhaul from the pole is attached. Even this is barely enough on a windy close reach.
Posted: 28/05/2009 20:54:35 By: RichardT |
No you are right, its 1:1. Doesnt a 2:1 restrict the amount of travel, or dont you need very much...
Posted: 29/05/2009 00:25:05 By: JohnB (3404) |
Yes it does so you need to check you can a) get the pole on and off OK with the mast raked fully b) get the ring tight on the pole end with the mast fully upright. In practice you can *just* fit this between bottom of foredeck and top of front tank but it helps if you can sort out the purchases so the pulley can travel below the aft face of the front tank. The full height of the kingpost is more than adequate.
Posted: 29/05/2009 09:33:46 By: Andrew M |
Many snodgers are lead back to the helm on the rear of the CB case, so there is always room along the floor to run the 2:1 purchase.
Posted: 01/06/2009 11:37:47 By: Mags |
Decided to take the 2:1 from the kingpost to the centre thwart. Masses of room - too much really, but there isnt that much space between the deck and the top of the front tank.
Thanks for your really helpful advice.
Posted: 03/06/2009 12:47:46 By: JohnB (3404) |