Topic : Photographers and 'Missing Years'

Again - a plea for help for those who if not actually using their bus pass, are looking forward to the days when they will get free transport to MR events.

Can anyone help me please with contact details for;-

David Eberlin
Andy Homer (there is a Chris Homer in the yearbook, are they related?)
Colin Stokes

and then....

does anyone have magazine pages that I can use covering the following:

Inlands 88
Inlands 89
Salcombe 89
AGM 89

Nationals 90
Salcombe Week 90
Silver Tiller results 90

Nationals 91
Salcombe 91

nationals 92.

As before, any help will be fantastic and will help the project through to completion.

Following this morning's call for pictures I've had some great offers of help, please keep the shots coming - this will ensure the widest possible choice (and thus the 'best' pictures - finding their way onto the finished pages

Many thanks

Pure Magic; 70 years of the Merlin Rocket

Posted: 14/01/2014 07:28:20
By: Dougal


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